Imagining a game play sequence


Round 10: Imagining a game play sequence...

06-Feb to 26-Feb (3 weeks). Deadline: Sunday End of the day 11:59pm 26 Feb UTC-0
Compiling of videos: 27-Feb to 5-March (Done by dGecko)
Voting: 6 March to 12 March

Challenge Round Rules:

Unlike previous rounds, for this one you have to keep your task details and your track secret until the end of the challenge round, and instead of submitting tracks to the #challenge-submission channel, you must post it to the new challenge management system. The reason is that the tracks are going to be interrelated in a way that you don't know, with each one telling a part of an imagined game story-line. You cannot tell anyone about the story, the section of the story you have been allocated, or the music you are making for your submission. The results will instead be revealed to everyone at the end of the round, which will be fun. :-) The challenge will be three weeks to submission to allow a week to assemble the submitted tracks for presentation.

For this challenge you have been given the story outline for a section of an imagined new game in development, and a narrative to provide background and the emotional setting for this section of the game. This chapter of the game is broken into several parts, and you have been given the task of writing environmental music to suit the one scene you have been allocated. Each scene requires around 2 minutes of music that can loop until the player moves to the next scene. Some scenes might need just one piece of music to cover the action in that scene, others might need two and there is a game cue based on the players actions to move between the two tracks from state A to state B. (Simple horizontal sequencing.)

Scenes will be randomly distributed to challengers so that at the end of the round we will be able to make up multiple sets of music that tell the story of this chapter of this imaginary game.

The fun will be in the reveal, so please don't share any details about your assigned challenge.

Art Challenge:

This round will introduce an Art Challenge! Our artists are invited to join us in the challenge. You will be allocated one scene, similar to the composers, and your task, should you accept it, is to create artwork for that scene. The art can be in the form of character sketches, location artwork, or even short animations. You can submit as many pieces of work as you wish, and suitable ones will be incorporated into the finished videos for the round.

Some notes on format and layout:

If you are submitting a location, make the image 1920x1080.

If you are submitting a character sketch, please provide the artwork with either a transparent background or a solid white or black background that can be keyed out in the video to make it transparent.

If you are submitting an animation, if its a full scene make it 1920x1080 and if its just a character/s, props or location elements, then again render with a solid white or black background that can be keyed out in the video to make it transparent.

There will be two categories for art submissions

I know there is a lot of contention around AI art, but the reality is that its not going to go away, and it does serve its purposes. I imagine it will be only a matter of time before we need to include a original and AI category for our music challenges, and in time all our creative endeavors. I think we need to start preparing the that future, as its with us now really. I think AI art is great for mock-ups and concepts, and for projects where there is no commercial aspect (like this one), and thus no budget for commissions of any kind. Original art, music and all other creative works will always be sought out for their uniqueness I feel, as the craftsman furniture maker is still sought out by those that treasure and can afford the real thing, while the rest will be happy with IKEA. I hope this won't offend anyone and I'm sorry if it does.