Sponsoring Challenges

VGM Lounge is a strong, well managed and growing Discord community of Video Game Music enthusiasts and aspiring and emerging VGM composers (2000+).  We have been running for over three years as a not-for-profit collective of enthusiasts creating original video game inspired music and covers. 

VGM Lounge is regularly looking for sponsors to help us with promoting our regular composing challenges. All our challenges are open to all, no matter skill level or experience, there is no entry restrictions or cost. They are run as challenges and not competitions, with the focus on participation over perfection, and supporting each other as we all learn. Egos are checked at the door, and a supportive respectful environment makes the creative space safe for all.

Why sponsor us?

2000+ members plus connections to many other VGM related Discord servers (including collaboration).

Active community of composers creating amazing VGM inspired music who are looking to enhance their tool kit.

Bi-weekly themed challenges that encourage learning and experimentation, covering aspects of music theory, game theory and creative expression.

Supportive, non-toxic community that is built on respect.

Social media presence, YouTube channel and Bandcamp presence, plus a music distribution partner.

The type of support we are looking for is:

Companies that can offer rewards and incentives for members to participate in the challenges including:

Unfortunately physical rewards are problematic due to the worldwide membership of VGML.

Examples of prior Challenges:

At the start of February 2023 we are just starting our 90th composing challenge, and you can see the details of the most recent challenges and the resulting music produced on the website here.

Some Stats from Season 8 after ten rounds completed:

Composers participating: 88

Tracks Composed and submitted: 407  (A staggering 13 hours and 10 minutes of new music created!!)

Votes Cast: 3,693 

Meaningful Feedback Left:  1,668 (50+ words of constructive feedback left for another challenger)


Member Feedback on Challenges:

"If it weren’t for Orchestral Tools’ participation in the VGML challenge season, I probably wouldn’t have heard about Sinefactory, their incredible collection of free instruments. I was so impressed by them that they’re now a staple in my template."  Stewardii

"I honestly never really used automation or any key-switches before the boot camp challenges. Seeing all the music everyone else had made encouraged me to start learning how to properly utilize the software and plugins at my disposal. Having a challenge push you out of your comfort zone really does help you learn what you are capable of."  Rust_

"VGML really is a special place for not only aspiring and professional video game composers, it’s a wonderful and inclusive community for all creatives. For me, it has helped me grow as an artist and opened many doors, whilst also giving me the opportunity to meet new people and support each other.”  ecg_147

”Participating in the VGML bootcamp challenge has been an invaluable experience for me, forcing me away from my comfort zone and thus helping me to grow and diversify my skillset as a composer.”  Skyhammer Sound

The challenges are all so interesting and challenging so far! I think i improved my composition skills a lot by participating the challenges! Multiple challenges that set a specific deadline really breeds creativity. Most importantly you learned a lot of new things and step out of your comfort zone! So many kind, positive and professional people are always here to offer their help, feedback to people at every levels! I met a lot of amazing musicians in this amazing community!  raymusicch

Thank you VGML and sponsors for this series of composing challenges! These challenges have inspired me to advance my own skills across the whole spectrum of music production, from compositional theory to mixing and mastering to game integration. In just a few months of VGML Challenges I have improved my skills and understanding in ways that would have taken years if I were working alone.  RKillen

"VGML Bootcamp has helped my creativity tremendously. Not only did it make me write more often, but it also required me to go to new places and explore new musical styles. It also gave me the opportunity to meet and collaborate with some like-minded people."  filipjonathan

For me the VGML Bootcamp was all about getting out of my comfort zone and getting to know really nice people! In the past few months I was "forced" to write music I would never thought I would ever write but it was so much fun. Another awesome thing about this bootcamp is getting feedback by my fellow composers / artists / producers etc.. Everyone is treating each other´s compositions with lots of respect and is giving constructive criticism. I think all of us learned a lot during this season´s bootcamp I am really glad for participating. Thank you so much @dGecko for organizing everything!  Friedrich Gattermann

Awesome Sponsors that have supported our community.... ❤️

Creators of the finest orchestral libraries, including the famed Metropolis Ark, and wonderfully generous and supportive sponsors since Season 8.

Thanks to Matt for joining us to run workshops on music composition for Video Games, and providing the inspiration for our Making Game Music challenges which are tied into Matt's online course '"Making Game Music: The Fundamentals of Composition".

Our awesome new sponsors joining us for Season 9!!