For Game Developers

For VGM Composers

You have a great game in development, the game play is awesome, the visuals are spectacular.... but you need sound and music!! Unlike artwork, it is a time consuming task to find the right music match for your game, someone that can create music in the style you need. It can be very hit and miss.

Music Match

What if you could audition dozens of composers in one go to find the right match for your game?

VGML runs regular challenges for VGM composers, and we are always looking for new ideas and collaborations opportunities. As a game developer, you can pitch your project as a challenge theme, and if accepted, you get to effectively audition dozens of composers in one go (from our hundreds of members!) to see if you can find a match for your specific needs. The music created will be in the context of your game, so you will get a very good idea of suitable candidates you could approach. There is not commitment to select anyone at the end of a challenge, but chances are you will find someone that is a perfect match.

What styles of music can you request?

Anything you can imagine, there will be sure to be members that can create music to match your requirements.

What about sound design?

Yes, there are sure to be members interested in working in sound design as well!

What does it cost? What have I got to loose?

Nothing! How good is that! Ping dGecko today to start the conversation!

So you want to take it to the next level with your original music and actually get your music into a game?? Isn't that what we all dream of? Well with VGM Lounge... you can make a start! We are partnering with Game Developers to pair up aspiring VGM composers with games in need of some awesome music.

The best way to start is to join in our regular challenges as they will give you a chance to learn and participate it themed projects, some of which may be directly linked to future opportunities to work on projects. Some projects will be fan made (game mods for example), others just for fun one shots, some as a way to promote your skills, and some may be serious commercial projects.

Supporting Composers

VGML will find game devs looking for music resources for their games and setup a partnership to get the ball rolling. This could take several forms:

Just for Fun - You are starting out in music making right, well there are a bunch of game developers in the same position. Everyone is learning and looking for some real projects, but nothing commercial (yet)... so these are partnerships made for fun and mutual learning. This includes anything that is RevShare, as we all know that these are passion projects which may, or may not, ever see the light of day. This also includes anything that is basically fan-made, such as game mods, where its being done seriously, but for the love and not for the money. If this sounds like you, check out the #fun-collabs channels in the GameDev Zone.

Commercial - You feel like you are ready to tackle something more serious, and the Dev has some experience on the clock and is looking for someone to work on a more commercial footing. In this case, check out the #commerical-collabs channel. The expectations are much higher here, so its up to the individuals to test each other out, establish commercial arrangements, and generally treat this is a serious undertaking.

🎮 GameDev Partnerships 

GameDev partnership are projects that are ongoing and have been given their own channel to manage interest and news. They will usually have their own Discord as well so these channels are just to cross post important news for the project. Partnership channels will start with the 🎮 icon.

If you buy games on Humble, you can support VGML at the same time using our referral link!

Mvndicraft Minecraft Server Music

Music Composition Challenge

Calling all composers! We're seeking an epic soundtrack to accompany the intense siege battles on a new Minecraft geopolitical server - Mvndicraft - Lords at War. This immersive experience, built with the Towny Plugin, meticulously recreates the map of Europe and implements a realistic medieval combat system akin to Dark Souls.

During these siege events, players will wield powerful weapons like cannons, trebuchets, and Greek fire to conquer fortified positions. These extended battles demand an epic soundtrack that captures the thrill of siege conquest, with a touch of medieval reverie.

Your composition should evoke a distinctly European style while steering clear of retro sounds. The game aims to transport players to the heart of the action, immersing them in the chaos and glory of medieval warfare.

Interested composers should join the VGM Lounge Discord server to join the challenge and submit their tracks. The Minecraft server owner will listen to all the submissions and may choose to select a track or tracks to be included in the official server soundtrack. Outstanding submissions may lead to additional opportunities to participate in the full soundtrack, aiming for at least 16 tracks.

Don't miss this opportunity to have your music featured in an innovative and ambitious Minecraft project. Submit your epic compositions today!

Zelda - Breath of the Wild Mod

The Breath of the Wild Mod has been created by Jacob as part of a challenge round on VGML. Challenges were tasked with creating original music to replace existing tracks in this beloved game. The result was amazing, and you can get the Mod for free from here and enjoy playing Breath of the Wild with some wonderfully creative new music. Available for WiiU and possibly Switch in the future.

The challenge also lead to the creation of an album of the best of the tracks, titled Bards of the Wild - available on YouTube and Bandcamp, and other streaming services in the near future.

You can download the Bards of the Wild Mod for free from here:

Watch all the tracks on YouTube here!

Listen to the album for free on Bandcamp and YouTube!!

Stardew Valley Mod - Downtown Zuzu

Downtown Zuzu is a mod extension for the popular Stardew Valley farming game.
You can read all about the mod and if you are interested start making music to add to the mod by joining the conversation in the #🎮 downtown-zuzu channel to see what new music is currently needed for this mod. The original Stardew Valley music is here for a listen. You can learn how to make your own music mod for Stardew Valley here.


This challenge was  very exciting, because not only could your tracks end up on an Album (read about Albums here), they also ended up in the actual game as well though this mod! The challenge this round was to write an original track for Downtown Zuzu, which is a mod for Stardew Valley created by XxHarvzBackxX! 

The challenge is now finished, check the Downtown Zuzu page for the results.

If you want to learn how to make your own music packs to put into Stardew Valley your can read about that here. The original OST can be listened to here.

Support the Server by buying your Humble Bundles via our partner links. :-)

Advertising on the server

Looking for a Game: If you want to put you hand up for a project, you can post your details in #find-a-collaborator and someone might like what you have to offer. Post some details about your experience and what you are wanting to work on, plus links to your example work. If you will do commissions, indicate that as well.

Looking for Music: And if you are a game dev, or anyone else for that matter, that just wants to commission some music, you can post in #find-a-collaborator and take it from there.