VGM Challenges
Season 10

VGM Lounge Challenge
Season 10

Have you got a VGM challenge you have been itching to unleash on the community? Here is your chance... suggest a challenge round and battle it out with the crew to vote for the most enticing VGM making challenge. The challenge can be as simple or as challenging as you can devise and members will decide how brave they are feeling. The highest voted will become the next challenge round for Season 10.

We will start Season 10 next week (Midnight 7th April GMT) with a seed challenge, and then the channel for making suggestions for round 2 (S10R02) will be opened up for everyone to post their wicked challenges!

We are look forward to see how creative your suggestions will be!! Take a few minutes to think about your suggestion and make sure you have the following:

A nice descriptive Challenge Title.

Details on the challenge, what is expected, and including how you can submit an original or cover track to suit the theme.

An image that depicts the theme of the challenge, especially if this is a create music that suits the given picture.

Optionally, a link to a video on YouTube related to the challenge. This could be a game play video, or a video you create yourself for the challenge!


The challenges will run on a strict two week cycle, managed by the bot. There will be no late submissions, and you can only submit once, so make sure your track is fully finished before posting.

The sequence is: