Round 2


Round 2: Live Recording and Character Theme - Anime-style project.

3-Oct to 16-Oct. Deadline: Midnight 16 Oct UTC Voting: 17 October - 24th October.

Target Submission deadline: Midnight UTC 16th October 2022 (View as your timezone)
But... you will be able to submit tracks up until
Midnight UTC 23rd October and still be counted for the Bootcamp round.
We know that it might be hard for vocalists to get through all the songs in time, so you will have an extra weeks grace.

True Aspirations

True Aspirations is a story about a group of middle school students coming together to make friends, and aspire to give everyone in their school a fun and exciting experience. Chaos, drama, and difficult decisions may block their paths, but the challenges that come with their every-day lives just make things even more interesting.
Read the story by HisoutaP.




For this challenge we are going to be writing and recording vocal music! The source for the challenge is the story True Aspirations by HisoutaP, which comes with some great artwork above also by HisoutaP. While there is a start-up project to create more content for the story, for our challenge we are going to just focus on one of the three characters above, and imagine that this story is being rendered into a video game, and that video game needs character themes!
Thanks to HisoutaP for permission to use these characters and the song lyrics in our challenge.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it is...

Create an original character theme for one of the characters below from True Aspirations, using the lyrics provided, and work with a vocalist to record your song. This is quite an undertaking, so we will keep the scope small. You only need to write the first chorus (highlighted in blue) from the provided lyrics below to submit for the challenge, but you are welcome to do the whole song after the challenge round is closed, if you (and the vocalist) have time!

Submission Requirements:

  • A minimum submission to progress to the next round must include one chorus of recorded vocals and matching music. If you and your vocalist have time you can submit a longer track using more of the source material. Just be aware that some vocalists might be working with several composers and will have limited time.

  • Post your track to the #challenge-submissions channel on the server as an MP3 audio file before the due date.

  • Your track should include the recorded vocal track mixed in.

  • Please say who was the vocalist you were working with (give credit).

  • Briefly explain what you learnt about working with a vocalist.

  • Your track can be less than 1 minute long for this challenge.


Working with a Vocalist:

This is likely to be a new experience for many, so we have a few options for you here. Also, with so many challengers we might struggle to find vocalists for everyone!

Firstly please remember this is a collaboration between you and your vocalist... be respectful of each others time limits, abilities and experience or lack there of. Don't get too hung up on trying to get it perfect, just enjoy learning from the experience. Cardinal rule... be nice to each other!!!

  1. If you already know a vocalist you can work with, you are welcome to collaborate with them to complete this challenge.

  2. If not, we have collected together a number of vocalists interested in participating in the challenge, and we will try to match up a vocalist to each composer.

  3. If you have the chops and can't find a partner to work with, you may sing the vocal part yourself.

  4. Backup plan!! Only if we don't have enough vocalists to cover everyone, I will reach out to partner servers to get instrumentalists who can record your vocal melody line as an instrumental solo instead... but this is only if option 1-3 fail!! (Or if you play an instrument you can record yourself playing!) But this is a last resort.

Also note that the characters above present as male, but please don't feel constrained to compose to a male vocal range, and in fact it is best to aim for a higher range in general to accommodate the majority of our vocalists. You may need to adjust your melody line range to suit the vocalist you are working with.

Tutorial by Saya on working with vocals.

Manage your time!

Recommended time frame windows to complete this challenge are shown here. The target is to submit by the 16th October, but if you really need more time we have extended the window an extra week to allow our over worked vocalists to get to as many tracks as possible. :-)

Note that Challenge 8.3 will start on the 17th October as planned and will run in parallel.


The steps you should take are... (remember to give yourself enough time for each stage!)

  1. Select your character and read the song lyrics to get to know them. If you have time read a little of the story as well. You want to capture this character in your music.

  2. Write a theme for this character in any style you wish, but remember this is going to be pitched as an Anime-style video game. Also remember, you only need to create the chorus for the challenge. (You can stop hyperventilating now!) You can do the whole song if you have time after the challenge round is closed, but please check with your vocalist as they may not be available.

  3. Export the melody for the vocalist to use as:

    1. Midi file of the melody only,

    2. Music notation if you can (you can export to midi and use Musescore to make the sheet music),

    3. plus provide the music file for the vocalist to use as a reference in WAV format (optinally with a click track) and

    4. a copy of the lyrics.

    5. You are welcome to sing in a placeholder track if you are feeling brave.

  4. Ask for a vocalist in #find-a-vocalist if you need a vocalist to help you. (See below.) Do this after you have finished point 3 above.

  5. Get your track to the vocalist towards the end of week one (ideally by the 6th Oct). Remember you can work on the rest of your track while the vocalist records, but the melody and timings need to stay the same! Work with your partner to make things happen as quickly as possible and with respect to their personal timetables and timezone.

  6. The vocalist will record the vocal track over the next couple of days and return the recording to the composer ideally by the 12th October but absolutely no later than the 21st October.

  7. Bring the recording of the vocals into your project, tune and time them if required, edit/clean up as necessary, and mix and master it. Export the final track to MP3 for submission. Note: Your vocalist might be able to do the tuning and timing for you if they are familiar with that process.

  8. Upload your submission to the VGML Discord server.

How to request a vocalists to help you.

There is a temporary channel in the composer zone called #find-a-vocalist. Once you have a track ready for recording, post a message in that channel asking for a vocalist. You can post a sample of the track as well (maybe 20 secs or so) so the vocalists can see they style of the music. One of the vocalists will reply to your message to start the collaboration with you. Please do this in this channel so people know when someone has picked up a track.

Some vocalists are happy to be directly approached. Check their profile in #vocalist-showcase first before you go direct.

Work with your vocalist, providing the above elements and try to be as efficient as you can be with both your and their time. Always be respectful towards your partner - we are all here to have some fun remember.

Once the vocalist has delivered your track its up to the composer to make the best of it. Please don't ask anything more from your vocalist during the round as they will probably be working on another track and we have far more composers than vocalists!! If there is a major issue with the recording, please contract dGecko and we will try to work out a solution. :-)

Solving issues:

  • What if I don't use a DAW and I can't export or import audio or notation? In this case you could export the final music track and mix it with the vocal recording in a program like Audacity.

  • If no-one has picked up your track after a few days and you are concerned about time, also contact dGecko.

  • What if my vocalist can't deliver the vocal track for whatever reason? Contact dGecko as soon as you realise you have an issue and we will see what we can work out.



Can you hear me calling you? It’s time to hurry up! There’s a wonderland colored in an orange hue

With a little this and that, we’ll make it better too, take a look at the good and the bad and turn it into something new

A sparkling, fabulous land of wonder is where you will stand, some days I’m glad I’m the leader; the overseer, after all, it’s my own wonderland

Take a look at the left and the right, surprises all around, they’ll never let you down, even if there is something missing, we’re all clever and better than the unbelievers, forever ‘till the end of time


I know that there are sad things too, some things just won’t stop bothering you

But I’ll blow them all away, leave them for another day, let’s hold hands and shout aloud

You don’t have to wake up from a dream, ‘cuz it’s here! We even have fresh fried fish, yeah


Let go of your past, ‘cuz this time won’t always last, let’s make the most out of what we have

I’ll take you to a kingdom of cuteness, and happiness, all that you could ever ask for!


Even though some things are unpredictable, you see what I see

Keep on moving with your greatest smile, that’s what I see

Very soon, all your dreams will come to life, and isn’t that the better option?

It’s a wonderful heaven, and it’s where you’re gonna stand! It’s like no other land, after all you’re grand, whether if there’s good luck, no luck, “how dare you forget your math?”

Well, maybe there’s stupid people here, but we’re all equal, don’t you think? I mean what I mean, and I’m calling you, you see? We’re all different, this land is different, a coincidence don’t you think?


I know that there are sad things too, some things just won’t stop bothering you

But I’ll blow them all away, leave them for another day, let’s hold hands and shout aloud

You don’t have to wake up from a dream, ‘cuz it’s here! We even have fresh fried fish, yeah


Let go of your past, ‘cuz this time won’t always last, let’s make the most out of what we have

I’ll take you to a kingdom of cuteness, and happiness, all that you could ever ask for!


Let go of your past, ‘cuz this time won’t always last, let’s make the most out of what we have

I’ll take you to a kingdom of cuteness, and happiness, all that you could ever ask for!



As I walk alone, the street lights shining brightly, I spot a darkened door leading to an unknown place

It’s that stirring part of life I just can’t get enough of, so if I want more, I’ll call out for only you

Giving out strong beats, my heart and soul; they’re truly racing when I’m here with you

I’ll wait here for you, such mysteries are always thrilling


Now that you have arrived, I’ve finally decided, we’ll push the haters right aside

Now there’s no time to hide, let’s both go inside and uphold all our pride


I’m aware fate chose you, let’s be anew, it’s time to rise to the challenge, and that’s all I’ll need

My heart is beating, I’m pleading, I need you, our gazes will reflect in all their eyes

Even though our time flies, my ally, weren’t we both alone when we encountered this dream?

There is no need to close it off. As the atmosphere grows hot, we’re stronger than we thought


All our reckless acts, some of passion, some on impulse—I know we can steal everything before our eyes

It’s just like we’re in a romance, exploring hidden truths, and since I want more, let’s make this more interesting

Tell me what you want, your wishes just aren’t worth denying. A light that’s chased silently flickers out

I’ll bring them to life, throw your hands up and give me a Hi-Five


Our audience has arrived, ignore the passerby, they’re the ones missing out on our vibes

I’ve been ready to go Hi-Fi, with our strong bond, we can’t be defied


Our own desperation’s where it began, if there’s anything wrong with wanting more, let’s break the rules

Natural aggression and boldness; with these instincts we were born with, they’ll all look like fools

“Surely we’ll bewitch you,” my ally, if that’s your own statement, we don’t even need to try

And as I stare into your eyes, the atmosphere only grows hot, we’re stronger than we thought


I’m aware fate chose you, let’s be anew, it’s time to rise to the challenge, and that’s all I’ll need

My heart is beating, I’m pleading, I need you, our gazes will reflect in all their eyes

Even though our time flies, my ally, weren’t we both alone when we encountered this dream?

Let’s act like lunatics all night, as the atmosphere grows hot, we’re stronger than we thought



Lost in a world distant from home, I want my voice to reach you

Although I know I might stumble, so I’ll always see this view


So, step by step, I’ll keep on running, and maybe, I don’t know

If I try, and try, I’ll set my dreams aglow and go


If I were to bear tears, would I let go of my fears?

My heart’s lighter than before, I want to know this feeling more

I want to bring this world to everyone I know

We’ll be happy, with emotions that’ll tend to overflow

I’ll take this dream right to the stage, so here we go


My wishes will ignite the way, I want my voice to wish you

Although I know I might stumble, I still don’t wanna see this view


In the a blink of an eye, my heart started pounding faster than before

Would now even be a good time to open the door?


If everyone were here, even though they’d see my tears

It’d be fine because I tried, I let go of all my fears

I want to bring this world to everyone I know

We’ll be happy, with emotions that’ll tend to overflow

I’ll take this dream right to the stage, so here we go


I have nothing, is that okay? All I know; My aspirations won’t fade

Deep inside my heart, I really want to change. so let’s dive in for more, where the wind sways, no need to be afraid


If I were to bear tears, would I let go of my fears?

My heart’s lighter than before, I want to know this feeling more

I want to bring this world to everyone I know

We’ll be happy, with emotions that’ll tend to overflow

I’ll take this dream right to the stage, so here we go

If everyone were here, even though they’d see my tears

It’d be fine because I tried, I let go of all my fears

I want to bring this world to everyone I know

We’ll be happy, with emotions that’ll tend to overflow

I’ll take this dream right to the stage, so here we go