Server Guide:

#events - keep an eye out for special events here!

#announcements - Important chances and updates will be posted here. If you'd like the Announcement role so that you are notified whenever something changes, check #add-roles.

Information Zone

#server-rules - Basic rules and regulations of the server. To become a member, react to the heart at the top of the channel.

#front-door - New members are welcomed here. We hope you enjoy your stay at Video Game Music Lounge! 

#add-roles - Here you can pick up a number of roles to either tell us more about yourself, or to gain access to additional areas on the server.

VGM Lounge

This is the heart of the lounge, a place to hang out and chat. There are a number of channels to choose from...

#introductions - Tell us a bit about yourself here. We'd love to get to know ya! 

#general - The catchall chat room. Stop in and say hi! We don't bite! (Links to game music can be shared, but just as long as they relate to the topic at hand.) 

#vgm-chat - The game music chat room. A more focused channel specifically for discussing VGM.

#gaming-chat - If you want to discuss the games and not just the music, this is your place.

#trivia-challenge - test your VGM knowledge with other members. Everyone can play.

#guess-the-game - play the VGM guessing game and rank up with the pros.

#touhou - A channel just for Touhou as cause its so popular. 

#off-topic - Not sure where to post something, its will probably fit this catch-all channel.

#media-and-art - Any kind of promotion in regards to anything but music, goes here! Show us your craft! 

#memes - ThERe Isn'T rEAlLy mUcH To Say AbOUt ThiS cHAnNel. Just kidding, memes go here. To prevent spam, a slowdown is enabled here. Keep them family friendly.

#suggestions - We love to improve and evolve the server based on your experiences and ideas. Tell us what is on your mind here.

#difference-of-opinion - Should it be required, strong differences in opinion can be discussed here. We prefer to keep such discussions civil, and any toxicity will not be tolerated.

The Music Zone

These are channels for you to share your favourite music available on various services such as YouTube with others. There is also a place to discuss music theory and music resources.

#song-of-the-day - selected by our mods and admins, a tasty VGM track everyday for you to enjoy.

#video-game-music - You can post your own favourite VGM tracks here for others to enjoy. (If it's your own work though, post it in #composer-corner instead!

#non-vgm-music - We all love a wide range of music, so you can share your non-VGM tracks here.

#members-youtube - Do you have a YT channel, why not share it here with the rest of the members.

#Partners - We are partnering with a number of other servers, and you can find the invites and details here. Check them out.

Challenge Zone

Take part in our regular composing challenges! Details, updates and changes will be posted here. You can participate by sharing a song that fits the criteria of the challenge in the challenge-announcements channel. You can give feedback on any challenge participant's submission(s) in the submission-comments channel. Keep the comments constructive. You can also vote for challenge tracks, and members will gain special composer ranks for the hearts they collect - both for composers and for voters. And remember composers, its not a competition, votes are just an indicator if your track resonates with people. There is no good or bad, just preferences. :-) Read more here.

#challenge-announcement - Detailed information about each challenge is posted here.

#challenge-rules - This defines the rules for the challenges.

#challenge-submission - Only post your challenge submissions here please, and vote for tracks you enjoyed.

#challenge-comments - All discussion and comments, including constructive feedback should go here.

Composer Zone

#vgm-lounge-legends - This announce only channel highlights the best of our large community. We hope you enjoy what the Video Game Music Lounge has to offer! 

#composer-corner - Do you make music? Share it here! The more music makers, the better! You can also leave comments on other composer's tracks as well. Drop a track you have made here to get the composer role!

#critique-corner - This is more specifically for asking for constructive feedback about your track, be it complete or a work in progress. Remember, to be kind when providing feedback!

#music-theory - learn and share more about the technicalities of making music here

#music-resources - Share your best music resources here, be they sites, courses or other must have info.

#vgm-business - Let's talk about the business side of VGM.

#album-and-radio-chat - discuss our albums and radio station here. Read more here.

GameDev Zone

#gamedev-chat - General chat about game development and managing music assets in game.

#seeking-music - If you are a game dev and looking for music you can post in here.

#seeking-game - If you make music and would like to get it into a game you can post here.

#fun-collabs - Looking to working with someone on a game but just for fun.

#commercial-collabs - Looking to work with someone on a game but this time something more serious.

Then there are channels for various collabs with game devs.

Support Zone

Need help with something, this is the place to ask. It could be music help, game advice, technical trouble shooting, or even life help.

Voice Chat Zone

We have a number of channels for voice interactions. The VGM Listening channel is popular.

You can now voice chat directly in the VC!

#music-commands - Bot commands for controlling the VGM Listening channel go here!

#fmbot-commands - just for the fmbot.

<VGM Listening - This is where you can listen together to anything you can find online. The premium Jockie Music bot will be here waiting for you to queue up and share some tracks any time. Type m!help to get started.

<Stream/Share/Learn - A channel for members to share and learn together.

<Gaming VC - If you want to game together you can voice chat here.

Radio Zone

We have our own radio stations in the server!! Join a channel to listen in 24x7 to great VGM music.

#now-playing-radio - This will tell you what is currently playing on the VGML Radio bot.

#now-playing-other - This will tell you what is on the other radio bots.

<VGML Radio 24/7 - This is where you can join the radio station to listen to amazing member created VGM inspired music. Originals and covers, 24x7!

<VGML Selected - Curated VGM by VGML

<Vivi's VGM 24/7 - One of our partners has a YouTube radio station, and you can tune in here to listen.

<Live Shows - This is a place where occasional live shows will be streamed. Constantly changing content and members are encouraged to host their own shows.