VGM Lounge Albums

Fan-made VGM inspired music

One of the most exciting aspects of the VGM Lounge community are the submission to our regular VGM challenge. Each challenge has a different theme and restrictions to encourage members to be creative and produce amazing new music. Some challenges are for covers/remixes, others are for original compositions, and its all great stuff. So we are going to compile some of our best work into a series of albums to be released on YouTube (and possibly other social media). These albums are a showcase of the talent of the community, and if you are looking for a composer to work on your next project, you might what to have a listen!!

This is an exciting new initiative, so stay tuned for more info!

Album: VGM Lounge - Challenge 1

We have published our first album of video game inspired music from our first 30 challenges on VGM Lounge.

Album: VGM Lounge - Members Showcase 1

We have published our first album to showcase members work.

Other VGM Lounge productions: