Submit your tracks

for the VGM Lounge Albums

This is for VGM Lounge Members Only.

If you have submitted a track to a past challenge (challenges 1 to 30, the first three seasons) and you would like to have it included on the album, please submit the track details here. :-) You can submit as many tracks as you wish, one per submission, and at least one track per member will be included in the albums, and more if the tracks were also highly rated by member in the challenge. Track selection and sequencing will be determined by the VGM Lounge Staff. Depending on how many are submitted we may create multiple albums. Once the video albums are complete they will be posted to the VGM Lounge YouTube channel, and made available for all participating members to download and post to your own YouTube if you wish.

For the Members Showcase album you can submit any track you have created in the recent past for consideration. The album will be limited to one track per member, so pick your best work.